  • 职  称:副研究员
    导  师:博导
    研究方向: 1.量子点材料合成及其光/电催化材料设计2.量子点照明及QLED器件






2.学术期刊Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry同行评议。


1.国际会议SID论文被评选为Wiley 2018-2019年最高下载量论文




国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于氢氟酸刻蚀与微纳结构的高效蓝光InP 量子点材料与器件研究,2023-2024,20万,主持


广东省2018-2019年度重点研发计划——环保型量子点发光材料,项目编号: 2019B010924001,参与



[1] Zhang, W.; Ding, S.; Zhuang, W.; Wu, D.; Liu, P.; Qu, X.; Liu, H.; Yang, H.; Wu, Z.; Wang, K., InP/ZnS/ZnS core/shell blue quantum dots for efficient light‐emitting diodes. Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30 (49), 2005303.

[2] Zhang, W.; Duan, X.; Tan, Y.; Zhao, F.; Liu, H.; Chen, W.; Liu, P.; Wang, K.; Zhang, Z.; Sun, X., High Quantum Yield Blue InP/ZnS/ZnS Quantum Dots Based on Bromine Passivation for Efficient Blue Light-Emitting Diodes. Advanced Optical Materials 2022.

[3] Zhang, W.; Zhuang, W.; Xing, X.; Xu, B.; Wu, D.; Liu, H.; Wang, K.; Liu, R.; Sun, X. W., Alloyed multi-shell quantum dots with tunable dual emission. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2018, 6 (42), 11280-11286.

[4] Zhang, W.; Duan, X.; Tan, Y.; Liu, H.; Hao, J.; Chen, W.; Liu, P.; Wang, K.; Yang, X.; Xu, W., Organic-Phase Synthesis of Blue Emission Copper Nanoparticles for Light-Emitting Diodes. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022 , 5 (3), 3967–3972.

[5] Zhang, W.; Zhuang, W.; Liu, R.; Xing, X.; Qu, X.; Liu, H.; Xu, B.; Wang, K.; Sun, X. W., Double-shelled InP/ZnMnS/ZnS quantum dots for light-emitting devices. ACS omega 2019, 4 (21), 18961-18968.

[6] Tan, Y.#; Zhang, W. #; Xiao, X.; Sun, J.; Ma, J.; Zhang, T.; Mei, G.; Wang, Z.; Zhao, F.; Wu, D., Enhancing hole injection by electric dipoles for efficient blue InP QLEDs. Applied Physics Letters 2021, 119 (22), 221105.

[7] Zhang, W.; Zhuang, W.; Qu, X.; Liu, H.; Wang, K.; Sun, X. W. In P‐125: High Quantum Yield InP/ZnMnS/ZnS Quantum Dots, SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, Wiley Online Library: 2019; pp 1716-1719.

[8] Wu, Z.; Liu, P.; Zhang, W.; Wang, K.; Sun, X. W., Development of InP quantum dot-based light-emitting diodes. ACS Energy Letters 2020, 5 (4), 1095-1106.

[9] Liu, P.; Lou, Y.; Ding, S.; Zhang, W.; Wu, Z.; Yang, H.; Xu, B.; Wang, K.; Sun, X. W., Green InP/ZnSeS/ZnS Core Multi‐Shelled Quantum Dots Synthesized with Aminophosphine for Effective Display Applications. Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 31 (11), 2008453.

[10] Yang, H.; Liu, Y.; Hao, J.; Tang, H.; Ding, S.; Wang, Z.; Fang, F.; Wu, D.; Zhang, W.; Liu, H., Alloyed Green-Emitting CdZnSeS/ZnS Quantum Dots with Dense Protective Layers for Stable Lighting and Display Applications. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces 2021, 13 (27), 32217-32225.

[11] Long, Z.; Zhang, W.; Tian, J.; Chen, G.; Liu, Y.; Liu, R., Recent research on the luminous mechanism, synthetic strategies, and applications of CuInS2 quantum dots. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2021, 8 (4), 880-897.


孙小卫;张文达;王恺; 一种具有核壳结构的磷化铟量子点及其制备方法和用途, 2019-01-22, 中国, ZL 2019 1 0058059.9

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